Grades 3 – 5, choose 2 Activities and Have Fun!

ALL Projects are due May 15

Design and create a fidget spinner out of the materials you have at home.  Have a family member try it to see how it works.
Design and create a catapult out of materials in your home.  Launch something four times and measure the distance of each launch.  I want to see how far each launch went.
Marble Maze
Create a maze for a marble to go through.  Have someone in your family try the marble maze.
Obstacle Course
Design and build an obstacle course in your back yard.  Have someone else try your obstacle course.
Scavenger Hunt
Design and create a scavenger hunt for two people in your family.  Have them do your scavenger hunt.  Make sure you give them a time limit.
Cookie Challenge
Place a cookie on your forehead and try to get into your mouth without using your hands, arms, or any other part of your body or something else to help you.
Trash Grabber
Design and create something that can grab trash without touching the trash.  Use only materials in your home.
Us a popular song like “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” and change the lyrics to describe how to be a good teacher.
Survival Guide
Design and create a survival guide on how to survive your grade level.
House Map
Create a map of your house that is in color and has a key and labels.
Create a timeline of your life in color.  Don’t forget to add all the important events in your life.
Playground Model
Create a model of a piece of playground equipment you would like to see at our school.  Be creative and use whatever materials you want to make it.
Grades K-2
Contact Information:  Nancy Consalvo
Printable Home STEAM Challenge #2,           Grades 3-5