Students use the Purposeful Design Bible series to build a solid foundation of Biblical principles. God’s creation, promises, people, Son, guidance, rules, care, strength, and how He speaks through His Word. They experience the knowledge of Jesus Christ and His saving grace during Bible lessons and activities. Students attend chapel once a week.
Language Arts
The Spalding Road to Reading program integrates four essential elements: comprehensive spelling, writing, phonetic, and reading curricula. Students will also experience reading many Abeka Readers and BJU Press curriculum for a well-rounded and exciting time of reading. Students also participate in the Accelerated Reader (AR) program. This program allows students to read at their independent reading levels and take quizzes over these books. The goals of the AR Program are to create a love of reading and increase reading comprehension skills.
Spalding Handwriting is integrated into the Kindergarten program. Proper form, size, and neatness are emphasized with handwriting practice sheets
Kindergarten students use the textbook Our World, Now and Long Ago. Units of study include Being a Good Citizen, My Country, Workers, Where We Live, Time Goes By, and Stories of the Past. Harcourt Social Studies is a comprehensive K-5 curriculum designed to engage and motivate every student. Through the stories of the intriguing people, exciting places, and fascinating events that make history relevant to their lives, students gain a global perspective. They also learn the social studies themes and skills they need to become informed, participating students, use critical thinking skills, and be active in their communities.
enVision Math (Savvas) is a comprehensive mathematics curriculum for Grades K-8. It is organized to develop mathematical content connections with built-in connections across lessons, across topics, across strands, and across grades. When students connect ideas, they
deepen their understanding. enVision Math is organized into clusters of connected topics and lessons. Students learn to see relationships, ask questions, and try different approaches. enVision Math grows from the organization of the program and the core instructional model used daily. Throughout the program, students will make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Puppy Dog Math is used for building math fact fluency.
Library Time
Students in Kindergarten visit the library once a week. Students check out books and learn how to care for them. Literature is integrated with classroom curriculum and topics to help foster a love of reading.
Our Scott Foresman science program is based on exploration and discovery. Much of kindergarten science involves learning about living things. Children observe plant and animal growth. They also learn about habitats, seasons, textures, sounds, tastes, color mixing, magnets, weather and insects.
Art and Music
Art and music classes are vital parts of the kindergarten curriculum. Art class is held once per week and includes easel and table painting, craft projects, working with clay, print art and finger painting. These activities are creative outlets for students and develop small muscle control, listening skills and good work habits. In the classroom, students sing and enjoy music each day. Kindergarten students also attend music classes once per week.
Students in kindergarten go to Spanish class once a week. Students will be able to: understand and orally count from 1-10, identify colors, use and respond to greetings and leave-takings with the appropriate response, sing a short and simple song, use courtesy phrases, and respond to simple commands given by the teacher.
Students in kindergarten go to technology class once per week. Our technology program focuses on higher order skills and curriculum integration with the classroom topics and activities. Computers are used to reinforce the curriculum and provide both guided and independent practice. Student objectives are based on the Arizona Technology Standards and SCA Technology goals.
Innovation & Creation Hub
Each elementary homeroom class visits the Innovation and Creation HUB once a week. Students focus on STEAM learning (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics). Students are provided with hands-on learning with activities centered around the problem solving method of Ask, Discuss, Design, Create, Test and Revise. Activities are determined by the curricular units being studied in homeroom classes and are designed for age appropriate learning. Students are encouraged to take risks whether it is designing a Moon Lander, coding a robot to engage in a specific task, or designing a piece to be 3D printed. In the HUB students embrace the four C’s: Critical Thinking, Creativity, Collaboration, and Communication. These four C’s are crucial to fostering innovators and leaders of the 21st century.
Physical Education
Kindergarten students attend PE class once per week. They learn the basics of manipulative, loco motor, and non-loco motor movement. Some of the topics covered are:
• The concept of dodging and fleeing
• Introduction to fitness skills
• Cooperation, teamwork, and encouragement
• Large muscle movement and body control
• Balance
• Spatial awareness
• Rhythm
• Safety inside of activities
• Following Rules and Procedures
• Organization
• Listening skills
• Difference between pathways, levels, and speeds
• All basic skills needed to succeed in activities & sports