Middle School

  • The Word by Mr. Aaron Bynum

    What I love about Middle School Students!

    Middle School students may not always love being in middle school. Sometimes it can be a challenge lodged between being a grown-up high schooler and the joys of being in elementary school. However, I think the middle school age is a great age and there are so many things I love about middle schoolers.I love that middle schoolers are really beginning to discover who they are created to be. I love that we (teachers and administrators) have the responsibility of shepherding, loving on, and fostering an environment where students feel safe to become themselves. The years spent in middle school can be transformative in the life of young people and it is a joy that I get to play a small part.

    I also love middle school students because they are unique. Part of growing up is discovering things we like, different hobbies, and abilities we have, and I feel this really becomes pronounced in middle school. It is fun to see students realize that they are: good at sports, talented at art, funny, smart, play an instrument well, sing beautifully, good at acting, build really cool robots, and discover a hundred other amazing things about themselves.

    Finally, I love middle school students because of their joy. Spending time around middle school students, laughing and having fun, is good for the soul. I love watching students interact, joke around, and just be kids.

    I love middle school students. I love that each student in our school is unique and was created in the image of their Creator just the way He wanted them to be. My hope is that each and every student will know they were made with purpose and handcrafted to be themselves.

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